The most important rules

In Guts, Sports by WFDF

  • A game consists of a series of exchanges in which one team throws the disc and the other team attempts to catch the disc. The teams are alternately throwing and receiving: in the next exchange the throwing team becomes the receiving team and vice versa.
  • For the first exchange of the game the throwing team appoints a thrower. Then in each exchange the disc is thrown by the player who caught the disc. When the disc was not caught, the throwing team scores a point. The next thrower is the player who last touched the disc or where the disc passed most closely.
  • A disc is thrown only when the players of the receiving team stand on their own goal line. The defenders stand an arm’s length apart so that their fingertips can just touch each other. The thrower must stand behind his or her own goal line.
  • A correctly thrown disc passes the goal line of the receiving team topside up and within reach of at least one defender. Players may not throw the disc above the extended reach of the receiving team. When the throw was not correct the receiving team scores a point. If a disc is thrown cor- rectly, a player of the defending team must catch the disc with one hand. The disc shall not touch any two parts of the defender’s body at one time. Also the disc shall not have touched the ground.
  • Each time a total of eleven points is reached, the teams change the goal line they are defending.
  • With the score at 20-20, play continues until one of teams leads by two points.